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16/12/2021 10:36
If you are looking for a reliable recruitment agency that can assist you in recruiting your developers, here you can find several recommendations

18/12/2019 7:19
As technology advances we are seeing more and more possibilities in the recruitment world. The amount of recruiting software and options are increasing. So how do you know what to choose? In the article before you we will try to create order with the different options

17/12/2019 14:04
In the age of the Internet and the never-ending supply, it is very easy to get lost when looking to recruit new employees. In this article we will try to sort through all the common sources, cover recruitment options and give practical recommendations on how to recruit for different positions

03/12/2019 6:15
Every employee who abandons you loses thousands of Euro's and even more to your organization! Employee satisfaction surveys in most leading organizations in the economy show that the main reasons for employee abandonment are managerial attitude, unprofessional recruitment and training process

02/12/2019 14:17
Barak Group provides a wide range of services in recruitment, human resources and management development such as placement services with specialization in technology jobs, sales workshops for human resources, workshops and executive development courses